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Welcome to our Expertise & Dendrology FAQ.

Who is the Expertise & Dendrology service for?
Our Expertise & Dendrology service is intended for all those who seek to effectively perpetuate their tree heritage, whether it is an isolated tree or a large park, whether you are an individual or a community. We are here to support you in the sustainable management of this green heritage by identifying the pathologies, evaluating the vigor and the mechanical state of the trees. Thanks to our expertise and our passion, we can provide you with tailor-made recommendations and recommendations, adapted to the scale of a subject or to the scale of a site or territory, through a detailed management
What is the diagnostic process?
At Arfolia, our approach is progressive. We start with visual and sound observations (using a mallet) going up to more in-depth analyses. In case of doubt and according to the results observed during the basic diagnosis, we recommend carrying out an in-depth diagnosis which will make it possible to decide on the state of health and the dangerousness of the subject. Appropriate work recommendations will be formulated accordingly.
Who can carry out the diagnosis of a tree?
At ARFOLIA, our team of experts specializing in tree heritage is made up of qualified professionals. They hold degrees such as landscape engineering, certificates of specialization in ornamental tree management and forest management. With more than 10 years of experience, our specialists in ornamental arboriculture carry out in-depth and visual phytosanitary diagnoses and establish management plans adapted to horticultural and forest tree heritage. They are also studying species suitable for urban environments and contributing to the reduction of urban heat islands (UHI). Thanks to their expertise in dendrology, they accurately assess the state of health of the trees. Our specialists are independent, guaranteeing total impartiality far from any conflict of interest.
What types of diagnostics do you offer?
We offer different types of diagnostics to assess the condition of your trees, we start with visual and sound diagnostics that we complete, if necessary, with more in-depth diagnostics such as resistograms, tomograms and tensile tests.
What is a management plan and how long does it take to complete a management plan?
The management plan is a technical and budgetary programming of the work to be carried out on a tree heritage. The time needed to complete it depends on the number of trees to be managed. At ARFOLIA, we are committed to working efficiently and transparently to meet the agreed deadlines while ensuring an optimal quality of service. We are able to provide time estimates for each project early in the development process.
How can I get an estimate for a management plan?
To obtain an estimate for a management plan project, you can contact our teams by filling out the contact form on our website or by calling us directly. We will be happy to discuss your project and provide you with a detailed estimate, taking into account your specific needs and requirements. Our team of experienced professionals can also advise you on the best choices for your project.
I think my tree is sick, what should I do?

If you think your tree is sick, we advise you to make an appointment with us without further delay to carry out an initial diagnosis.

It is important to note that the main risk associated with a diseased tree is falling, which can endanger people and surrounding property. Diseases can quickly spread to other tree heritage trees. At ARFOLIA, we are aware that trees are living beings which can fall ill and which must be accompanied. This is why we encourage you to monitor their evolution and act quickly to avoid any contamination and guarantee the sustainability of your tree heritage.

I want to estimate the damage caused to my tree as part of work or other?

If you want to estimate the damage caused to your tree as part of work or other, contact our team.

At ARFOLIA, we have specific scales that allow us to objectively assess the value of your tree based on the damage suffered. We put our expertise at your disposal to help you assess the damage and take the necessary measures to preserve your tree heritage.

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